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Jörg Pamp


Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik
RWTH Aachen University
Melatener Straße 25
52074 Aachen
Raum334, Erdgeschoss
Telefon+49 241 80-27935
Fax+49 241 80-22641

Beruflicher Werdegang

Okt 2008 - jetzt Oberingenieur, Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik, RWTH Aachen University
Okt 1993 - Sept 2008 Forschungsgruppenleiter „Wellenausbreitung und Satellitenfunksysteme“, seit 08/2003 Stellvertretender Abteilungsleiter „Information and Communication Systems“, IMST GmbH, Kamp-Lintfort
Okt 1990 - Sept 1993 Radio Network Performance Engineer, Ericsson Mobilfunk GmbH, Düsseldorf
Okt 1983 - März 1990 Studium der Elektrotechnik, Vertiefungsrichtung Nachrichtentechnik, RWTH Aachen University

Gremien und Ämter

seit 2012 ITG Fachausschuss 7.5 „Wellenausbreitung“
2010 - 2014 COST Action IC1004 “Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments”,  Deutscher Vertreter im Verwaltungsausschuss
2006 - 2010 COST Action 2100 "Pervasive Mobile & Ambient Wireless Communications", Stellvertretender Vorsitzende und  deutscher Vertreter im Verwaltungsausschuss
2001 - 2005 COST Action 273 "Towards Mobile Broadband Multimedia Networks",  Deutscher Vertreter im Verwaltungsausschuss
1997 - 2001 COST Action 259 "Wireless Flexible Personalized Communications", Deutscher Vertreter im Verwaltungsausschuss
1994 - 1997 COST Action 231 "Evolution of Land Mobile Radio (Including Personal) Communications", Private Expert

Auszeichnungen und Preise

2005 Senior Member Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Forschungsschwerpunkte und Projekte

Antennen und Antennensysteme



T. M. Gemmer, R. Cornelius, J. Pamp and D. Heberling, "Full-Wave Analysis of a Compact Antenna Test Range Including Probe Effect" in 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Paris (France), Mä. 2017, pp. 2571-2575.


A. Giacomini, L. Foged, A. Riccardi, J. Pamp, R. Cornelius and D. Heberling, "Improving the Cross-Polar Discrimination of Compact Antenna Test Range using the CXR Feed" in AMTA 38th Annual Meeting and Symposium, Austin (USA), Okt. 2016, pp. 411-415.


J. Pamp, A. Giacomini, R. Cornelius, A. Riccardi, L. Foged and D. Heberling, "Reduction of the Cross Polarization Component in the Quiet Zone of a Single Reflector CATR" in AMTA 37th Annual Meeting and Symposium, Long Beach (USA), Okt. 2015, pp. 71-75.
H. Shakhtour, J. Pamp, D. Heberling, H. Groot and B. Groot, "Quiet zone characterization of a Built-It-Yourself Antenna Test Chamber" in 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Lisbon (Portugal), Apr. 2015, pp. 1-5.
R. Wilke, K. Schraml, J. Pamp, M. Gräßlin, T. Aust, U. Prechtel, E. Meniconi, V. Ziegler, M. Brück, N. Kranich, D. Stemmann, M. Haubold, S. Kurth, M. Gaitzsch and J. -. Sommer, "GeReLEO-SMART Project Status" in 4. Nationale Konferenz Satellitenkommunikation in Deutschland, Bonn (Germany), Mä. 2015.
J. Slim, J. Pamp, D. Heberling, J. DellAnna, H. Clusmann and M. Fuente, "Model-Based Distortion Correction of an Electromagnetic Tracking System for Optimization of Neurosurgical Navigation Accuracy" in International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgers (CARS), 2015.


M. Dirix, T. Dallmann, J. Pamp and D. Heberling, "Comparison of APC and Feed-APC using field Probing measurements of the Quiet Zone" in 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Gothenburg (Sweden), Apr. 2013, pp. 4081-4084.
J. Pamp, "Overview of the Antenna Measurement Facility at RWTH Aachen University", ITG FA 7.5 Workshop on Wave Propagation and Scattering in Information Systems, Feb. 2013.
H. Shakhtour, J. Pamp, D. Heberling, G. Schellstede, H. Y. Lee and C. Breckenfelder, "Comparison of two generations of textile MIMO antennas at IHF" in International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT), 2013, pp. 150-153.


[German] T. Dallmann, J. Pamp and D. Heberling, "Radar-Reflektoreinrichtung und Schwimmvorrichtung mit Reflektoreinrichtung", Nov. 2012.

Weitere Veröffentlichungen

J. Pamp, "Fehlerquellenanalyse einer zylindrischen Nahfeld-Meßanlage für Antennen," Diploma Thesis,  RWTH Aachen, March 1990 (in German).

J. Pamp, "Gut geplant – besser telefonieren," Funkschau, No. 2,  pp. 58-61, January 1993 (in German).
A. Lauer, A. Bahr, J. Pamp, J. Kunisch, I. Wolff, "Multi-Mode FDTD Simulation of Indoor Propagation Including Antenna Properties,"  VTC '95 Digest, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, July 25-28 1995, Chicago, IL.

F. P. Fontan, M.A.V. Castro, J. Kunisch, J. Pamp, E. Zollinger, S. Buonomo, P. Baptista, B. Arbesser, "A Versatile Framework for a Narrow- and Wide-Band Statistical Propagation Model for the LMS Channel," COST 255, MCM 4, 1997.

F.P. Fontan, M.A.V. Castro, J. Kunisch, J. Pamp, E. Zollinger, S. Buonomo, P. Baptista, and B. Arbesser, "A Versatile Framework for a Narrow- and Wide-Band Statistical Propagation Model for the LMS Channel," IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 431-458, December 1997.

J. Kunisch, E. Zollinger, J. Pamp, A. Jahn, H. Ernst, M. Döttling, S. Buonomo, "Satellite Propagation Modelling Using a Combined Deterministic and Stochastic Approach," Proc. ITG Fachtagung Wellenausbreitung bei Funksystemen und Mikrowellensystemen, pp. 157-164, May 11-13, 1998, Wessling, Germany.

F. P. Fontan, M.A.V. Castro, S. Buonomo, J. Kunisch, J. Pamp, E. Zollinger, "Development of a Wide-Band Statistical Model for the LMS Propagation Channel," COST 255 MCM 5, 1998.

F.P. Fontán. S. Buonomo, J. Kunisch, J. Pamp, E. Zollinger, "Wide-Band Statistical Model for the LMS Channel," First International Workshop on Radiowave Propagation Modelling for SatCom Services at Ku-Band and above, October 28-29, 1998, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.

M. Döttling, W. Wiesbeck, A. Jahn, H. Ernst, J. Pamp, J. Kunisch, E. Zollinger, S. Buonomo, "A New Land Mobile Satellite Propagation Channel Simulator," in ‘Preparing for the Future’ of ESA, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 10-11, March 1999.

E. Zollinger, J. Kunisch, A. Winkelmann, J. Pamp, "Vergleich der Eigenschaften von Indoor-Funkkanälen bei 5,2 GHz, 17,3 GHz und 24,125 GHz," ITG-Diskussionssitzung Meßverfahren im Mobilfunk, March 3-5, 1999, Günzburg, Germany (in German).

P. Karlsson, J. Pamp, "Propagation Measurements and Spatial Channels for HIPERLAN 2," COST 259 TD(99)067,  April 1999, Vienna, Austria.

J. Kunisch, J. Pamp, E. Zollinger, A. Jahn, H. Ernst, M. Döttling, S. Buonomo, "A Versatile LMS Channel Simulator Tool," Abstracts URSI XXVIth General Assembly, p. 872, August 13-21, 1999, Toronto, Canada.

E. Zollinger, J. Pamp, J. Kunisch, "Measuring Mobile Radio Channels," Abstracts URSI XXVIth General Assembly, p. 329, August 13-21, 1999, Toronto, Canada.

J. Kunisch, E. Zollinger, J. Pamp, A. Winkelmann, "MEDIAN 60 GHz Wideband Indoor Radio Channel Measurements and Model," Proc. VTC 1999-Fall, IEEE 50th Vehicular Technology Conference, pp. 2393-2397, September 19-22, 1999, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

F. P. Fontán, M. A. V. Castro, J. Kunisch, J. Pamp, E. Zollinger, S. Buonomo, “A Statistical Simulation Tool for a Land Mobile Satellite Communications Channel,” in ‘Preparing for the Future’ of ESA, Vol. 9, No. 2, Sept. 1999.

P. Karlsson, H. Börjeson, C. Bergljund, J. Pamp, "Analysis and Results of Wideband Spatial Radio Channel Measurements in the 5 GHz Band – Impact on Multiple Antenna Systems," AP-2000, Millennium Conference on Antennas & Propagation, April 9-14, 2000, Davos, Switzerland.

J. Kunisch, J. Pamp, E. Zollinger, A. Jahn, H. Ernst, M. Döttling, "A Simulator for LMS Channels," AP-2000, Millennium Conference on Antennas & Propagation, April 9-14, 2000, Davos, Switzerland.

A. Sibille, C. Roblin, S. Fassetta, A. Chelouah, J. Kunisch, M. Schneider, J. Pamp, E. Zollinger, A. Winkelmann,  M. Gehrt, "Sector and Polarisation Dependent Wideband Indoor Propagation Channel Measurements at 5.1 GHz," COST 259 TD(00)010, January 19-21, 2000, Valencia, Spain.

A. Sibille, C. Roblin, S. Fassetta, A. Chelouah, J. Kunisch, M. Schneider, J. Pamp, E. Zollinger, A. Winkelmann,  M. Gehrt, C. Donnet, "Wideband Channel Sounding at 5.1 GHz for Angular and Polarisation Diversity on HIPERLAN Terminals," 52nd IEEE VTC 2000-Fall , September 24-29, 2000, Boston, Ma..

A. Sibille, C. Roblin, S. Fassetta, A. Chelouah, J. Kunisch, M. Schneider, J. Pamp, E. Zollinger, A. Winkelmann,  M. Gehrt, C. Donnet, “Sector and polarisation dependent wideband indoor propagation channel measurements at 5.1 GHz for HIPERLAN,” 52nd IEEE VTC 2000-Fall, Vol. 2, pp. 845-852, September 24-29, 2000, Boston, Ma..

J. Kunisch, E. Zollinger, S. Weitz, J. Siemons, J. Pamp, "Wideband Directional Channel Measurements within the IST ASILUM Project," ITG Diskussionssitzung Systeme mit intelligenten Antennen, March 16, 2001, Ilmenau, Germany.

G. Marques, E. Zollinger, J. Kunisch, S. Weitz, J. Siemons, J. Pamp, L. M. Correia, “Modelling and measuring wideband directional channels for UMTS micro-cells,” in Proc. IST Mobile Communications Summit, Barcelona, 2001.

J. Pamp "Propagation measurements and channel sounders," in Correia, L.M. (ed.), Wireless Flexible Personalised Communications, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, UK, 2001.

IMST GmbH, “Micro-cell Wideband Directional Channel Model,” 3GPP TSG RAN WG1, Document TSG R1#22 R1-01-0992, October 23-26, 2001, New York City, NY, USA.

J. Kunisch, J. Pamp, "Radio Channel Model for Indoor UWB WPAN Environments," IEEE 802.15 SG 3a, Document P802.15-02/81, Jun 2002.

J. Kunisch,  J. Pamp, "Measurement Results and Modeling Aspects for the UWB Radio Channel," Proc. IEEE UWBST 2002 Conf., May 2002, Baltimore, USA.

J. Kunisch,  J. Pamp, "Measurement Results and Modeling Aspects for the UWB Radio Channel," COST 273 TD(02)105, September 19-20, 2002, Lisbon, Portugal.

C. Bornkessel, J. Kunisch, J. Pamp, "Einfluß von Grenzwertverschärfungen auf die Gesamtimmission (Elektromagnetische Felder in NRW. Untersuchung der Immission durch Basisstationen) ," Ministerium für Umwelt und Naturschutz, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen / IMST GmbH, Tech. Rep. 2002 (in German).

F. Perez-Fontán, M. A. V. Castro, S. Buonomo, J. Kunisch, J. Pamp, E. Zollinger, E. Kubista, P. Baptista, B. Arbesser-Rastburg, L. E. Bråten, N. Kawai, Y. Louahdi, T. Tjelta, “Statistical Modelling of the LMS Channel” in Arbesser-Rastburg, B. (ed.), Cost Action 255 Radiowave Propagation Modelling for SatCom Services at Ku-Band and Above (Final Report), ESA Publications Division, 2002, ch., pp. 4.3-1 – 4.3-30.

J. Kunisch, J. Pamp, "UWB Radio Channel," Tutorial at  IWUWBS 2003, June 2-5, 2003, Oulu, Finland.

J. Kunisch, J. Pamp, "UWB Radio Channel Modeling Considerations," Proc. ICEAA 2003 Conf., September 2003, Turin, Italy.

J. Kunisch, J. Pamp, "An Ultra-Wideband Space-Variant Multipath Indoor Radio Channel Model," Proc. IEEE UWBST 2003 Conf., November 2003, Reston, USA.

J. Kunisch, J. Pamp, "An Ultra-Wideband Space-Variant Multipath Indoor Radio Channel Model," COST 273 TD(03)154, September 24-26, 2003, Prague, Czech Republic.

J. Kunisch, J. Pamp, "Considerations Regarding the Correlation between Transmit and Receive Response of UWB Antennas," Proc. URSI EMT-S 2004, Pisa, Italy.  
P. Labbé, J. Gosteau, M. Muck, J. Pamp, R. Baggen, "Impact of Macro Diversity on the Final Throughput of a 60 GHz SFN deployment," IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit, June 19-23, 2005, Dresden, Germany.

J. Kunisch, J. Pamp, "UWB Radio Channel Measurements for Sensor Communication in an Industrial Environment," Proc. ICEAA 2005, Turin, Italy.

J. Pamp, "Ultra Wide Band," in Correia, L.M. (ed.), Mobile Broadband Multimedia Networks, Elsevier Ltd. Academic Press, London, UK, 2006

F. Althaus, F. Chin, J. Kunisch, J. Pamp, B. Radunovi?, U.G. Schuster, F. Trösch, H.L. Truong, M. Weisenhorn, R. Zetik,  "A Comprehensive Investigation of UWB Sensor Networks for Industrial Applications," IST Mobile Summit, June 7, 2006, Mykonos, Greece.

J. Kunisch, J. Pamp, "UWB Industrial Radio Channel Coherent Paths Statistics Derived from Measurements," Proc. IASTED Int. Conf. On Wireless Networks and Emerging Technologies WNET 2006, Juli 2006, Banff, AB, Canada.

J. Kunisch, J. Pamp, "Locally Coherent Ultra-Wideband Radio Channel Model for Sensor Networks in Industrial Environment," Proc. ICUWB 2006, Sept. 2006, Waltham, MA, USA.

G. Retscher, E. Moder, D. Vredeveld, D. Heberling, J. Pamp, "Performance and Accuracy Test of a WiFi Indoor Positioning System," Journal of Applied Geodesy, vol. 1, issue 2, pp. 103-110, 2007.

J. Kunisch, J. Pamp, R. Zetik, "Time-Variant Ultra-Wideband Radio Channel Measurements in Industrial Environment," ICT-MobileSummit 2008, June 10-12, 2008, Stockholm, Sweden.

J. Kunisch, J. Pamp, "Ultra-Wideband Double Vertical Knife-Edge Model for Obstruction of a Ray by a Person , " 2008 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband  ICUWB 2008,  September 10-12, 2008, Hannover, Germany.

J. Kunisch, J. Pamp, "Wideband Car-to-Car Radio Channel Measurements and Model at 5.9 GHz," IEEE 68th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2008-Fall, Sept. 21-24, 2008, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.