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New acitivty from the IHF-Kicker!
Unsere Auszubildenden zum mathematisch-technischen Softwareentwickler haben am Programmierwettbewerb "DSA Code Challenge 2024" des Mathe-dual e.V.…
Ein Artikel zum Forschungsthema Erfassung der Maximalimmission an 5G-Basisstationen wurde vom Magazin Bulletin Electrosuisse veröffentlicht.
Muhammad Uzair, exchange student from TGGS, has been awarded at The Joint Workshop Thailand-Japan Microwave and Asian Wireless Power Transfer 2023.
The new roadmap with 19 exciting contributions from 34 experts in antenna measurement technology has now been published! The roadmap covers topics on…
Prof. Heberling is co-organizing the ICMIM 2024 in Boppard as General Chair. The paper submission deadline is on the 3rd of December 2023 !
Valentin Geyer beendete am 31.08.2023 erfolgreich seine duale Ausbildung zum Mathematisch technischen Softwareentwickler mit der Note "sehr gut".
Amar Al-Bassam has defended his PhD thesis on 08/30/2023.
Sascha Schießl has defended his PhD thesis on 08/29/2023.
After a 7-year break, the IHF again participated in the annual football tournament.