Research Topics

The IHF focuses on the design and measurement of antennas, but other topics from radio frequency technology are also an important subject of the research activities.

Antennas as the indispensable transducer between guided wave and free space wave propagation are a key element for every high-frequency wireless system. Assessing the characteristics of antennas and antenna systems calls for dedicated measurement techniques allowing high precision.

One of the main research areas at the Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering is the development of new antennas. A large number of different concepts covering the entire range of today's modern antenna designs are dealt with.


Das IHF beschäftigt sich mit der Erfassung und Abschätzung von hochfrequenten elektromagnetischen Feldern anhand von Messungen, Berechnungen und Simulationen. Den Schwerpunkt bildet dabei der Mobilfunk, der elektromagnetische Felder für die Funkübertragung nutzt

In addition to its main focus on antenna technology, IHF also works on other important research topics in the field of high-frequency technology.