Board of Directors
Chairman: Dipl.-Ing.Rasmus Cornelius |
Vice-Chairman: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Heberling |
Bursar: Roland Moch |
Account information
Payee: Verein zur Förderung der Hochfrequenztechnik in Aachen e. V. |
IBAN: DE76 3905 0000 1070 9856 25 |
Usage: If desired: Naming of an appropriation |
Verein zur Förderung der Hochfrequenztechnik in Aachen e. V.
On August 31th, 2011 the Association for the Promotion of High-Frequency Engineering in Aachen e . V. was founded to support concerns of the Institute and its staff free of regulatory constraints.
Another, equally important aspect of the club's foundation was the maintenance of contact with alumni and industrial sponsors of the Institute.
As personal contact can't be replaced by anything else, the club and the IHF therefor organize the annual IHF-summer festival, preceded by the ordinary general meeting.
The annual membership fee is 30 € for individuals, reduced to 20 € for students. The membership fee for corporations is 300 €.
Show your solidarity with the IHF! Join the Association for the Promotion of High-Frequency Engineering in Aachen. We are pleased about every new member and invite you to participate in the direct debiting system, which significantly reduces the administrative burden. The association is a non profit organization. For membership fees and donations there is the possibility to receive a certificate for the tax office - just contact us.
Promotion of students
At the AGM 2015 the booster club decided to support good and excelent students. In order to publish and present their work of bachelor and master theses written at the IHF, the student can apply for a financial support for travel expences and conference fees. The application has to be submitted in advance to the travel in a formless way to the board of the boster club. The board will decide if a funding is granted.
Summary of supported students since Summer 2015
- Nurul Khadiko, 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computer Engineering in Turkey, 12-13 June 2020 Report
- Subekti Ari Santoso, The 13th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena, Rome (I) 2019 Report
- Abel Zandamela, European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Krakow 2019 Report
- Karim Akhter, LAPC 2018 - The Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference, Loughborough (UK) 2018 Report
- Anna-Malin Schiffarth, Student exchange in 2017 with TGGS Thailand Report (in German)
- Florian Reher, European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Paris 2017 Report (in German)
- Arvid Sims, European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Paris 2017 Report (in German)
- Daniel Sialkowski, Automation 2016: Secure & Reliable in the Digital World, Baden-Baden, Germany Report (in German)
Geförderte und geplante Aktionen
- Studentengrillen Sommer 2019
- Diverse Aktionen und Anschaffungen der Amateurfunkgruppe an der RWTH Aachen
- Seminarfahrt des IHF Frühjahr 2018
- Studentengrillen Sommer 2018
- Unterstüzung des VDE ITG 5G Antennen Workshops
- IHF Präsentationsplattform
- Diverse Aktionen und Anschaffungen der Amateurfunkgruppe an der RWTH Aachen
- Seminarfahrt des IHF Frühjahr 2017
- Studentengrillen Sommer 2017
- Diverse Aktionen und Anschaffungen der Amateurfunkgruppe an der RWTH Aachen
- Seminarfahrt des IHF Frühjahr 2016
- Studentengrillen Sommer 2016
- Diverse Aktionen und Anschaffungen der Amateurfunkgruppe an der RWTH Aachen
- Studentengrillen Sommer 2015
- Unicup 2015
- Diverse Aktionen und Anschaffungen der Amateurfunkgruppe an der RWTH Aachen