Measurement Chambers
The Institute of High Frequency Technology possesses different state-of-the-art measurement chambers for the performance investigation of antennas and antenna systems.
Hertz Measurement Chamber
The Composite Antenna Test Range, built in 2011, is the largest shielded antenna measurement chamber at the Institute for High Frequency Technology. In this measurement chamber far-field, near-field and radar cross section measurements can be performed.
Newton Measurement Chamber
Since 2019, the Institute of High Frequency Technology operates a robot-based measurement system: In addition to antenna measurements in the millimeter wave range, the system can also be used, for example, to evaluate active radar systems. The control software developed at IHF and specially designed for the measurement chamber allows to map the high flexibility of the robotic arm to a wide variety of measurement procedures.
Helmholtz Measurement Chamber
The Helmholtz measurement chamber is mainly used for the implementation of planar and cylindrical near-field measurements. The system was developed at the IHF and is constantly improved and expanded by employees.
Smith Measurement Chamber
The Smith measurement chamber is the newest of the institute and is used currently for the measurement of antenna matching.